Posted on Aug 19, 2020 in Uncategorized

As technology improves so does part complexity and achievable tolerances. At Big Drum Precision Machining we have a thirst for knowledge and new technology. With investment in multi axis capabilities we have proven results in not only increased production and efficiency but more accurate parts with more sides being access in the same set up. With this ability we are often able to take parts with 4 and 5-sided machining down to 1 or 2 operations, significantly effecting lead times, increasing quality and allowing us more time to focus on the finer details of fit and finish when serving customers.

With the advances in technology in the manufacturing sector, Big Drum is positioning itself at the leading edge of machining technique and tooling application to serve its customers in many industries for years to come.

Multi part fixture with tight tolerances on opposing ends of a shaft. This Process took part time from 10 minutes to 3 minutes per part and reduced scrap rate from 5% to 1%

This Multi-Part Fixture on our custom made modular work-holding allows us to access more sides in one set up. Less handling and fewer set ups allows us to focus on part finish and accuracy while decreasing cycle time. These parts went from 6 operations to 3 operations and and our cycle time decrease from 1.5 hours plus 4 hours set up to 45 minutes with 2 hours set up.